The Fear of Hospitals or Nosocomephobia

Patient sitting and waiting on hospital bed

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What Is Nosocomephobia?

Nosocomephobia, or the fear of hospitals, is a type of specific medical phobia. While specific phobias in general are relatively common—affecting about 10% of the population—it is difficult to know how many people struggle with a clinically diagnosed hospital phobia.

That said, a fear of hospitals is not difficult for most of us to understand, even those of us who do not share the fear. If you have to go to the hospital (and you aren't an employee), there is a decent chance it's because you or a loved one are sick or injured. The hospital is where many people spend their final moments.

Let's face it, the hospital is the setting for some of the worst days of our lives, and it's a place many people avoid at all costs. In fact, U.S. President Richard Nixon was said to have a fear of hospitals, reportedly refusing treatment for a blood clot as he was concerned he would "not get out of the hospital alive."

Diagnosis of a phobia like nosocomephobia typically requires that the fear be persistent, affect your daily life, and far exceed the extent of the actual danger. That can make a hospital phobia diagnosis tricky, as there are many legitimate reasons to feel anxious about a hospital visit.

Relates Phobias and Fears

Many people who have hospital phobia are also afraid of doctors (or suffer "white coat syndrome," during which blood pressure actually rises at the doctor's office).

Some people are afraid of the building itself, others of what it represents. In this case, the choice of facilities can make a difference in your level of anxiety. Newer designs, for example, incorporate peaceful colors, spa-like facilities, and such patient comforts as Internet access and private rooms with beds for loved ones.

Surprisingly, many insurance providers will pay for either type of hospital, so check with your insurance provider. Although the fear of hospitals is understandable—after all, hospitals are by definition where people go when they are very ill or injured—it can interfere with getting the care you need.

This is especially true if you or someone you love experiences fear of hospitals along with other medical phobias, including:

  • Claustrophobia: Fear of enclosed spaces. If you suffer from claustrophobia, you might dread CT scans, MRIs and other tests that require confinement.
  • Hemophobia: Fear of blood
  • Latrophobia: Fear of doctors. Though doctors and dentists are the most common objects of medical-related fear. Some people are afraid of nurses, lab techs, and others in the medical field.
  • Mysophobia: Fear of germs
  • Nosophobia: Fear of developing a specific disease such as cancer or diabetes
  • Thanatophobia: Fear of death
  • Trypanophobia: Fear of needles

Is It Nosocomephobia or Normal Anxiety?

Since it's pretty normal to feel nervous before visiting a hospital, it can be difficult to tell whether your symptoms constitute a full-blown phobia. Only a qualified mental health professional can make this determination.

In general, however, someone with nosocomephobia may simply refuse to go to or enter a hospital, even in the case of major life-threatening conditions or events. In addition, they may realize the fear is irrational, but feel quite powerless to overcome it.

Other signs that may signify a fear of hospitals include:

  • Avoidance behavior or refusing to go to the hospital
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Excessive sweating
  • Feeling nauseated
  • Feelings of uncontrollable anxiety
  • A full-blown panic attack at the sight or thought of a hospital
  • Obsessive worrying
  • Shallow and rapid breathing

Coping With Nosocomephobia

Phobias can be treated with a mix of therapy and medication for anxiety. Some therapists may work within the confines of a hospital, so that is probably not the best option for you. Fortunately, many therapists have private practices and work out of a small, cozy office—or even their home.

Additionally, millions of people have taken advantage of the increasing number of providers who offer their services online, either through their own practice or a service like Talkspace or Betterhelp. So if you are afraid of hospitals and other medical establishments, there are still options for you to seek treatment.

Therapy may include a desensitization technique known as exposure therapy, in which you are exposed to the fear object (or related objects) in the safety of the therapist's care until you eventually become more comfortable and less fearful of it. A therapist might show you a picture or video of a hospital, drive by one with you, and so on, until you are comfortable enough to enter a hospital without your previous levels of fear and anxiety.

The hospital can be a scary place, but it is also filled with people who are there to help you and your loved ones feel better. It's important to seek help for this fear—if you ever find yourself in need of a hospital, you don't want your fear to prevent you from getting medical care that can make you feel better or even save your life.

1 Source
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  1. Celis H, Fagard RH. White-coat hypertension: a clinical review. Eur J Intern Med. 2004 Oct;15(6):348-357. doi: 10.1016/j.ejim.2004.08.001

Additional Reading
  • American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th Ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

By Lisa Fritscher
Lisa Fritscher is a freelance writer and editor with a deep interest in phobias and other mental health topics.