The Fear of Driving: Amaxophobia and Related Phobias

Getting behind the wheel can be scary, but when is that fear a phobia?

Young woman driving at night through a heavy rain storm.


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A fear of driving is fairly common and can range from mild to severe. Some people fear only specific driving situations, such as driving in storms or on freeways, while others are afraid of simply sitting behind the wheel.

Anxieties around driving usually do not rise to the level of being a driving phobia. It is only when the fear is unreasonable and excessive, out of proportion to the danger, and leads to avoidance behaviors that a medical professional may diagnose a phobia.

At a Glance

We all worry about having an accident, stress about parking, and get anxious about potential traffic or bad weather every now and then. These fears are completely normal, especially when you consider that thousands of people are killed in motor vehicle accidents every year. If these fears are impacting your life—whether or not you have a phobia—ask a healthcare professional if therapy may help ease your fears. Exposing yourself to driving in a safe environment, perhaps with a friend or loved one, can be a good step to making you more comfortable behind the wheel.

Related Phobias

Often other phobias can be linked to the fear of driving, especially one or more of the following:


The fear of driving is commonly associated with agoraphobia. Loosely defined as the fear of being trapped when a panic attack occurs, agoraphobia leads to the avoidance of situations that feel threatening. Driving is one of the primary clusters in which agoraphobia manifests. Bridges, tunnels and long deserted stretches of roadway are particularly difficult for many people with agoraphobia.


A fear of driving is sometimes related to claustrophobia. The fear of enclosed spaces, claustrophobia is easily triggered by the relatively small confines of a car. Some people with claustrophobia report that their fear is worse as passengers, while others are more afraid of being the driver.

Performance Anxiety

Driving is a major responsibility. Not only must you manage your own safety, but that of your passengers and others on the road. Those who suffer from performance-related fears may be uncomfortable trusting in their own driving abilities. The fear may be heightened when passengers are present, particularly for those with social phobia.

Fear of Accidents

Those who suffer from dystychiphobia, or the fear of accidents, try to avoid situations that increase the risk of physical danger. In addition, a more general risk aversion may also heighten the fear. As an inherently risky activity, driving has the potential to trigger risk-based phobias.

Fear of Travel

The fear of travel, hodophobia, encompasses fears of all forms of transportation. Many people with this phobia are comfortable driving to familiar locations but are scared to explore new destinations or routes.

Fear of Authority

A slight nervousness around authority figures is natural, but some people are genuinely terrified of any contact with authority. People with this phobia are often afraid when driving around police cars, fire trucks or ambulances. You might also be reluctant to negotiate unfamiliar traffic lights, roundabouts and other traffic situations for fear of doing something wrong.

Simple Driving Phobia

The fear of driving is not always linked to another phobia. Many people experience a simple driving phobia that is uncomplicated by other fears. A simple driving phobia may be caused by different factors, including:

  • Bad Experience: If you have been in a car accident, you may be at elevated risk for developing a fear of driving. Other potential triggers include driving through a major storm, getting lost, being pulled over or driving in unusually heavy traffic. The negative situation need not have happened to you. Witnessing a particularly bad crash in person or on television, or knowing someone who went through one, could be enough to trigger this fear.
  • Family or Friends: How your parents and friends treat driving may influence how you feel about it. If one or both parents are particularly cautious drivers, it is not unusual to internalize their concerns. Some people develop a fear after watching particularly gruesome drivers' education films or Mothers Against Drunk Driving displays.

Some driving phobias lack a clear cause, or may be tied to an anxiety disorder. Some people find that their fear develops suddenly, after years of successful driving experience. Others simply never have the desire to learn to drive. Fortunately, it is not necessary to find the cause in order to treat the phobia.

Treating Driving Phobia

It is always best to seek professional treatment for any driving phobia to ensure that another condition, such as agoraphobia or claustrophobia, is not present. Left untreated, even a relatively mild driving phobia may worsen over time.

Treatment options for a simple driving phobia run the gamut from individual therapy sessions to seminars, group exposure sessions and psycho-educational classes. Exposure therapy may be a particularly good way to overcome this phobia. Some people find that working with a private driving instructor is a helpful complement to mental health treatment solutions.

If a friend or loved one is dealing with this fear, it's important not to shame them, claim how easy it is to drive, or force them to take the wheel if they aren't comfortable with it.

The fear of driving can have a major impact on virtually all areas of your life. With professional assistance and hard work, however, there is no reason to become a prisoner to your fear.

3 Sources
Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Johns Hopkins Medicine. Agoraphobia.

  2. American Academy of Family Physicians. Post-traumatic stress after a traffic accident.

  3. Costa RTD, Carvalho MR, Ribeiro P, Nardi AE. Virtual reality exposure therapy for fear of driving: analysis of clinical characteristics, physiological response, and sense of presence. Braz J Psychiatry. 2018;(40)2:192-199.  doi:10.1590/1516-4446-2017-2270

Additional Reading
  • American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th Ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

By Lisa Fritscher
Lisa Fritscher is a freelance writer and editor with a deep interest in phobias and other mental health topics.