Coping With Gymnophobia in Your Life

Fear of Nudity

Empty locker room showers
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Gymnos is the Greek root word for "naked" or "bare" and you are likely familiar with its use in the word gymnasium which was named during the time period when athletes competed in the nude. It is plain to see from historical Greek artwork that the nude body was an object of admiration.

Gymnophobia, or the fear of nudity, is a highly personalized phobia that comes in many forms. Some people with this fear are afraid only of being naked in public, as is the case in communal showers or changing rooms. However, some people also fear being naked while they're with their partner or even when they're by themselves at home. Yet others are comfortable with their own nakedness but fear the nudity of others.

Many people with gymnophobia are unable to participate in sexual activities and may develop a more generalized genophobia, or fear of sex that stems from their gymnophobia. In extreme cases, this fear can even lead to ablutophobia, or fear of bathing or showering.


Gymnophobia can have many different causes. Comfort levels with nudity may vary by age, gender, the setting, and whether the lights are on or off. It can also depend on personal experiences, social media pressures, and cultural expectations.

In 2023, a group of clinicians provided the "Nudity Confidence Survey" to over 3000 Americans, and asked how comfortable they are being naked in varying situations. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the least comfortable and 10 being the most comfortable, people ranked situations as follows:

  • 8.6 - Having sex with the lights off
  • 7.9 - Being naked at home alone
  • 7.4 - Undressing in front of partner (non-sexual)
  • 5.4 - Having sex in front of a pet
  • 4.6 - Undressing at a doctor's office
  • 4.1 - Changing in front of friends
  • 3.6 - Changing in a locker room
  • 2.7 - Fully nude at the beach

Having surgical scars or other disfigurements can cause increased shame in one's body that can easily develop into a fear of being naked in front of people.

Culture: Some cultures are more open to communal showers and changing rooms, and you may have discovered some health spas are "clothing optional." However, for others it can be uncomfortable, even shocking, to be in a setting where everyone is hanging out in their birthday suit.

Fear of nudity (and fear of sex) can also be brought about by being raised in a conservative culture or religion that frowns on nudity and sexual expression. Being encouraged to dress modestly and maintain purity isn't a bad thing, but for some, it can lead to irrational fears about what it means to be naked or intimate.

Peer Pressure: Children and young teens may also develop this fear if they are bullied or shamed for some reason related to their bodies, for example, if they are developing more or less rapidly than their peers. Additionally, social media creates high levels of pressure on today's youth to conform to an ideal body type.

Other Anxiety Disorders: Gymnophobia may also be linked to other anxiety-related disorders such as body dysmorphic disorder, social anxiety, and other conditions that cause people to be unusually critical of themselves and fear being judged or criticized by others.

Trauma: A fear of being vulnerable or intimate can develop after being hurt in relationships. Those who have been through sexual trauma are certainly at increased risk for this phobia, partially because they feel especially vulnerable when naked or they experience nudity as a triggering event. If you have experienced a sexual assault, you are at higher risk for post-traumatic stress disorder as well.

Coping Strategies

Many people with gymnophobia find that simple adjustments help them to keep their fears at bay.

For example, they may refuse to shop in stores that have communal dressing rooms, they can skip the shower after a workout, and they may have sex with the lights off. For mild to moderate gymnophobia, this can be all that's required to keep the condition from disrupting their life.

For some, the fear can be overwhelming, and gymnophobic persons can find themselves avoiding an increasingly long list of activities in order to prevent being naked or showing their bodies. It's when gymnophobia is having a profoundly disruptive effect on a person's life — for example, they avoid dating or cease to bathe — that it is necessary to take action.

Treatment for Gymnophobia

Gymnophobia, like all phobias, responds well to a variety of treatment methods. Depending on your therapist's school of thought, you may be encouraged to probe your past to determine the root cause of your fear. Or you may simply learn techniques for overcoming your current fearful thoughts. If it is something that interferes with your ability to be intimate with your partner, you may consider a sex therapist who specializes in this area.

Whichever path you take, overcoming gymnophobia takes time and effort, but the rewards are well worth the trouble. That doesn't mean you will suddenly be spending time at nude beaches, but you might find yourself enjoying a more confident and satisfying life without the burden of worrying about your body at every turn.

A Word From Verywell

If you are uncomfortable putting on your birthday suit, you are not alone. Most Americans are uncomfortable getting undressed in front of strangers and very few join nudist camps. However, if you are mortified by the thought of being naked in your own private space, or with your spouse, you may have gymnophobia, an intense fear that can disrupt your well-being and your relationships.

It may seem embarrassing to seek treatment for such a private and personal matter, but you deserve to be free from any anxiety that holds you back from a more satisfying life.

1 Source
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  1. Bespoke Surgical. The nudity confidence survey.

Additional Reading
  • American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed., text revision); 2022.

By Lisa Fritscher
Lisa Fritscher is a freelance writer and editor with a deep interest in phobias and other mental health topics.